I dare to LOVE in each moment
even if I am afraid of being hurt.
I dare to live in TRUST that all is well
even if I feel fear with mounting prophecies to the contrary.
I dare to let go of GUILT for whatever reason even if it has provided me with a safe haven in which to limit myself.
I dare to let go of SHAME for whatever reason
even if I feel others blame me.
I dare to feel WORTHY
Under all conditions and circumstances.
I dare to SPEAK TRUTH in each moment
even if it may cause temporary chaos.
I dare to be BRILLIANT
even if I am afraid that I might make others jealous.
I dare to be POWERFUL
Even if I am afraid I might misuse this power.
I dare to be OUTRAGEOUS, AUDACIOUS and OUTSPOKEN – even if I am afraid that it may intimate.
I dare to be UNIQUELY ME
Even if I am afraid that I might not be accepted.
I dare to be WEALTHY
even if I am afraid that I might lose it all and/or others believe it is not spiritual to be rich.
even if I am afraid that no one will take care of me.
Even if others may threaten me to stop.
I dare to enter the NEXT WORLD joyously
even if I am afraid of the vast void in front of me.
Most of all ….. I dare to GIVE MYSELF back to GOD
Even if I am afraid I might lose myself.
Because losing myself to God makes all the other things
I think I need to DO or BE….. obsolete.

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