
 If you are at a crossroads in your life and wondering what to do next or feeling that things should be going differently, it can be helpful to talk to a coach. Someone who listens carefully, asks the right questions or challenges you.

  • A coaching relationship starts with discovering what roles you choose naturally in life and in teams, based on some tests. With the use of teamroles we can understand your behavior and interaction with others quite well and even predict it.
  • Then we get started with your coaching questions. I encourage you to investigate several aspects of yourself. In addition to your mental and emotional side, we also look at physical aspects and what meaning you give to life or what purpose you have. Specifically, For example, we might work on unraveling patterns in your life, good deep breathing and discovering what makes you tick.
  • During the coaching sessions I prefer to work with what happens that day or that week. I help you gain a deeper understanding of daily situations and to dare to try a different approach. These action experiments are important of your commitment to a coaching. For example, I might have you record a difficult conversation and then replay and analyse it. What happened exactly? What did you say? What did you think and feel but did not say? We can even practice alternative strategies with an actor.
  • We conclude with an evaluation.

People I work with:

  • Gifted personalities who can use an incentive in life or work or who are feeling stuck;
  • People who can use support to make a change in their life or break a pattern;
  • Executives who can use help to find their own style.

Are you looking for a life coach?

Then get in touch with me: +31614890474. I work in Amsterdam and Zutphen.
A first meeting of 30 minutes to explore working together is free and without obligation. The number of coaching sessions depends on the complexity of your question and your own wishes. A coaching session takes about 1 to 1½ hours.

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Coaching rate

A session costs €140 (incl VAT). A teamroles assessment costs €280 (psychological tests, analysis and session).
Employers rate: €1850 (5 sessions and teamroles assessment).

Cancellation: This is free of charge (by phone or email) to 36 hours before the session. Within 36 hours I charge 50% of the rate.

She and me van Carine Burger